New part of birth festish site: Temporarily disabled

Sorry, before I even managed to put the link to the new part on the site, I already disabled it. Here are the reasons:

For days and days I tried to upload something to this - the first - site, but all the time I couldn't access it because I was over the bandwidth limit. Good: Many people look at my site and enjoy it! Good thing.

I checked the bandwidth details and I was surprised by the figures. So many people visiting my site!

BUT: Nobody, or hardly anybody, uses the forum and the guestbook. If you enjoy this site, why not leave a comment? Participate in a discussion in the forum? Send me new material or new ideas?

It is hard work to make this site, and I am glad if you, the visitors, enjoy it. But I think it is unfair just too look at it and not respond to my "cries for help" in the forum. I really have no new ideas! And my English is too bad for me to write new texts. So all the texts I write are the same, no new things. Although I asked in the forum for help!

Only very few people use the forum, and only very few people sent me some stuff. These people know the link to my new site (if I know their email address - if you have not received the link, I might not know your email, so please send it to me), and some of their stories and ideas I already put up there.

So while I worked on the new site, I tried to update this site with the link to the new site. But all the time, morning, day and night, I was over bandwidth and couldn't update the old site. So I thought: I asked people for new ideas, but I didn't get responses. Still people look at the site, download things, enjoy the site - but are not willing to share their own ideas! So - why should I give them a new site?

So: please participate! Use the forum or the guestbook. If you don't want to publish your email address, send me a email.

Sorry, but only if participation on this site gets better, I am willing to publish the link to the new part.

Special thanks to A., C. and P. for their help, for their ideas, and for their stories. Thanks to the few of you who send me comments via email. I appreciate that a lot!

And to all others, to the lurkers: Participate, please! I need more ideas, my English is too bad - I need stories, or only a few sentences I could use for a picture. I desperately need some more sounds - look at this first part of the site and you know what I like to have. You do not need to send whole stories, or finished html documents. Just some short texts, or only a few sentences, to give me new ideas. Or a sound you found somewhere on the internet - a doctor telling a women to push, a woman screaming or panting. I have tons of pictures I could publish - if I have some texts!!

Also: Even if the site is down because of bandwidth limit: You can still use the forum and guestbook!!!

Thanks for your understanding, and I hope I can now publish part 2 of the site soon.


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